Do you remember that commercial where they were playing the "Who's That Lady?" song as a woman was walking around...and they even had a kid that was singing it on a bus? I don't even kind of know what that ad was for, but if I were in a commercial these days, mine would be like. Well, maybe with more bow-chica-wow-wows. :) The commercial I'd be in? So glad you asked. Hair. :) The receptionists stopped me yesterday and asked if I had done something new with my hair. And I was all YES! I'm so glad you asked an innocent question. Let me bore you with the details of my new hair care system. Oh, and it's so soft! See for yourself...touch my hair. No, don't be shy...come on, touch it. TOUCH IT.
Aside from that, I did have a complete stranger yesterday tell me that she wished her hair could be styled like mine. And after I realized that she was talking to me and that she was not blind, I was quite flattered.
This Wen Hair Care System? I'm telling far it's working for me. I may hate in in a little while, but so far, muy bueno.
In other news, I am going to be leaving here momentarily to go to work for a half a day and then flying to Chicago and driving to Peoria to be with my best friend, Kelly. I think I always say this, but this trip couldn't have come at a better time. I'm in need of good conversation, someone who loves me unconditionally, some hugs and slobbering from her bulldog (Princess Buttercup), and of course, consumption of bottles of wine.
Plus, did I tell you that I made her an afghan? Well, I did. And I even tried a new technique - looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. This was a thank you for her making me a quilt out of all my old t-shirts. When she was up here in May we took out my t-shirts I've been saving for this task (not knowing that she would offer to do it for me), laughed about the good times, drank some wine, and then mercilessly cut up my memories so that she could haul them back with her. Some of them were hard to let go, but thank goodness she left me my St. Pat's sweatshirts. :) Anyway, I can't wait to see the quilt. She's done this before and I know she did a fabulous job.
I'm excited and relieved that relaxation is close. Not having to be strong will be a great change - if only for the weekend.
2 weeks ago